No Extensive Damage Esfahan Air base In Satellite Images - CNN
According to satellite images obtained by CNN, there is not any extensive damage at an air base purportedly targeted by an Israeli military strike.
The synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images were taken around 10:18 a.m. local time (06:48 GMT).
Initial analysis of satellite imagery reveals no large craters or visibly destroyed buildings in the complex. However, due to cloud cover, further investigation using high-resolution satellite imagery with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is necessary. Unlike standard satellite images, SAR utilizes radar beams that penetrate clouds, allowing for ground observation. These radar beams bounce off objects, creating detailed data for analysis.
IRGC-affiliated FARS said that an army radar at the Esfahan province military base was one of the possible targets, and that the only damage from the attack was broken windows on several office buildings.
According to the CNN, the Iranian F-14 Tomcats that have been stationed at the air base in the past are not there any more. Additional archival satellite imageryshows that the F-14 Tomcats have not been there for some time.