Five police officers arrested for torture and death of Iranian man

Mohammad Mir Mousavi, a 36-year-old Iranian, whose death under torture in police custody has sparked outrage.
Mohammad Mir Mousavi, a 36-year-old Iranian, whose death under torture in police custody has sparked outrage.

Following the circulation of shocking images of a tortured man's body on Iranian social media, authorities announced the arrest of five police officers implicated in the detainee's death.

The arrest comes amid growing outrage after a video surfaced showing the severe injuries inflicted on Mohammad Mir Mousavi while in custody, intensifying concerns about the systemic use of violence and torture by Iranian security forces.

On August 24, Mir Mousavi was arrested by police officers in northern Iran from a special unit during a local altercation. He was subsequently taken to a police station in Lahijan district, where he was subjected to torture, resulting in his death.

The Lahijan prosecutor has confirmed that five police officers from the area have been temporarily detained on charges of involvement in Mir Mousavi's death. However, many believe this action appears to be a superficial attempt to mitigate public outrage rather than a genuine effort to seek justice.

On Wednesday, a horrifying video surfaced, showing the lifeless body of Mir Mousavi. The video, recorded during the ritual washing of his body, revealed severe signs of torture, including deep wounds on his back and waist.

According to reports, security officials and the prosecutor exerted pressure on Mir Mousavi's family to prevent them from publicizing the murder. This tactic of silencing victims and their families is all too common in Iran, where the government has consistently demonstrated its willingness to go to any lengths to cover up its crimes and avoid international scrutiny.

Despite these efforts, the truth about the circumstances surrounding Mir Mousavi's death has come to light. However, this case is not an isolated incident. According to the Hengaw Human Rights Organization, Mir Mousavi is the seventh person to die under torture while in the custody of Iranian security forces since the beginning of 2024 alone.

Mohammad Mir Mousavi
Mohammad Mir Mousavi

Amnesty International has reported that between January 2010 and September 2021, at least 72 deaths occurred in Iranian prisons and detention centers due to torture or other forms of physical mistreatment by intelligence and security agents or prison officials. Iranian authorities have consistently refused to take responsibility for these deaths.

In April 2022, Amnesty International released another report, "In death’s waiting room: Deaths in custody following deliberate denial of medical care in Iran’s prisons," which detailed the deaths of 96 people in Iranian prisons since 2010 due to deliberate denial of medical services. The report emphasized that the actual number of such deaths is likely much higher, pointing to the Islamic Republic's systematic negligence and abuse of those in its custody.