Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah during the early years of its formation

Iran-backed militants threaten Saudi Arabia despite thaw in Tehran-Riyadh ties

Sunday, 07/14/2024

The Iranian-backed Iraqi militant group Kataib Hezbollah issued threats against Saudi Arabia, despite the recent détente in Tehran-Riyadh relations.

After years of severed diplomatic relations, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to resume their diplomatic relations by signing a China-brokered renormalization deal in March 2023.

Kataib Hezbollah, an Iraqi Shia group closely aligned with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), warned Saudi Arabia, which it termed the "Kingdom of Evil," of consequences for its perceived role in the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The threats also extended to Bahrain and the UAE, countries that normalized relations with Israel under the Abraham Accords. Kataib Hezbollah called for increased resistance against Israel and stronger support for Gaza, consistent with its history of Iranian proxy warfare.

Despite last year’s reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Kataib Hezbollah's stance suggests the possibility of renewed hostilities.

Kataib Hezbollah is part of a broader coalition of Tehran-backed militant groups, called the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, which has been launching rocket and drone attacks against Israel and the US since the beginning of the Gaza war last year.

The US has sanctioned Kataib Hezbollah since 2009 due to its connections with the IRGC and involvement in attacks on US interests.

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