US Secretary of State Antony Blinken

US Imposes New Sanctions on Iran over Its Nuclear Escalations

Thursday, 06/27/2024

The United States on Thursday imposed new Iran-related sanctions in response to Tehran's "nuclear escalations and lack of cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog."

The sanctions come in response to Iran’s “continued nuclear escalations and failure to cooperate with the IAEA,” according to the US Treasury Department and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The sanctions have targeted three UAE-based companies linked to Iran’s petroleum and petrochemical trade including Al Anchor Ship Management FZE, Almanac Ship Management LLC, and Sea Route Ship Management FZE as well as 11 vessels connected to them, as per the Treasury Department website.

"Over the past month, Iran has announced steps to further expand its nuclear program in ways that have no credible peaceful purpose. Iran’s actions to increase its enrichment capacity are all the more concerning in light of Iran’s continued failure to cooperate with the IAEA and statements by Iranian officials suggesting potential changes to Iran’s nuclear doctrine," said Blinken in a statement on Thursday.

“We are committed to using all available tools to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon,” Blinken said in a statement on X.

Recently, Group of Seven (G7) leaders warned Iran against advancing its nuclear enrichment program.

Iran is set to triple or even quadruple its uranium enrichment at Fordow, one of its most secretive nuclear sites, according to recent reports by the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) and the Washington Post.

Experts warned that within a month, Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium for five nuclear weapons at Fordow.

Earlier in June the UN nuclear watchdog's Board of Governors passed a resolution censuring Iran and demanding that it resolve outstanding issues with the IAEA over its advancing nuclear program.

In its June report, the IAEA said Iran aims to continue expanding its nuclear program in ways that "have no credible peaceful purpose."

The IAEA demanded Iran step up cooperation with the watchdog and reverse its recent barring of inspectors.

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