Exiled Prince Says Iran-Sweden Prisoner Exchange Was Electoral Manipulation

Iran's Exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi
Iran's Exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi

Reza Pahlavi, Iran's exiled prince, condemned the recent exchange of Hamid Nouri, a man he labeled a "war criminal," for two Swedish citizens, calling it "an irresponsible and unethical action."

In a statement released on social media, Pahlavi criticized the move as “detrimental not only on moral grounds” but also for the interests of Sweden and Western countries, describing it as a “harmful act.”

Nouri, who had been imprisoned in Sweden since 2019 and was sentenced to life for his involvement in the execution of political prisoners in Iran in 1988, was released on Saturday. The exchange has sparked outrage among human rights activists and families of the victims.

The two Swedish citizens released by Iran were arrested on trumped-up charges and detained without due process of law. Iran often engages in the practice to use the detainees as bargaining chips in its dealing with Western countries.

Pahlavi linked the timing of Nouri's release to the upcoming presidential elections in Iran, suggesting it was orchestrated to demoralize opposition voices and mislead the public into participating in what he described as an electoral "circus." He asserted that the Iranian regime employs such tactics to project a facade of inclusivity and democracy, which he vowed would meet with a resolute “no” from the “freedom-loving Iranian populace.”

Furthermore, Pahlavi argued that “although the exchange of this criminal is a damaging and unconstructive action, it actually makes us Iranians abroad more determined to organize and mobilize for maximum pressure on the regime and maximum support for the people of Iran.”