Iranian protesters injured during the 2022 nationwide uprising met with Masoud Gharakhani, the President of the Norwegian Parliament (C), June 5, 2024.

Iranian Protesters Meet Norwegian Parliament President

Wednesday, 06/05/2024

Three Iranian protesters injured during the 2022 nationwide uprising met with Masoud Gharakhani, the President of the Norwegian Parliament, in a bid to forward the plight of the Iranian public.

Kosar Eftekhrai, joined by Sima Moradbeigi and Zaniar Tondro, said, "We asked him to align Western countries with practical solidarity with the people of Iran and to stand on the right side of history".

The focus of the meeting was to shed light on the Iranian government's crimes against humanity including the murder of over 550 protesters in the wake of the 2022 uprising and last year's record executions of over 850. The UN has claimed Iran is imposing 'gender apartheid' as it continues to enforce brutal measures against women and girls shunning the mandatory hijab.

"The Islamic Republic is a government condemned for crimes against humanity, and we are witnesses to these crimes," Eftekhari emphasized on X.

Additionally, the trio took part in the 16th annual Oslo Freedom Forum (OFF) on Monday. At the forum, they highlighted the challenges faced by Iranian protesters, especially those who lost their eyes, and showcased the ongoing efforts of Iranian activists advocating for democracy and human rights.

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