Mohammad Reza Naghdi, the coordinating deputy of the Revolutionary Guards

Iranian Officials Admit Allegiance to Supreme Leader a Key Election Criterion

Tuesday, 06/04/2024

In the lead-up to Iran's snap presidential elections, high-ranking officials have admitted that candidates must be aligned with the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei.

"In the upcoming elections, we need to see who is on the path of the [Supreme] Leader and does not deviate from him; we must base our choice on him," said Mohammad Reza Naghdi, the coordinating deputy of the Revolutionary Guards, whose role is closely tied to Khamenei and the country's leadership.

Abdollah Haji-Sadeghi, Khamenei's representative in the Revolutionary Guards, also stated that devotion to the Supreme Leader should be the deciding factor in the elections, which come on the back of the sudden death of Ebrahim Raisi last month in a helicopter crash. Candidates have to be approved by the Guardian Council, which ultimately carries out the wishes of Khamenei.

"Let’s be mindful that devotion to the Supreme Leader should be the criterion and we should choose a servant for the leadership, not a burden," Haji-Sadeghi said.

Following the unexpected death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash on May 19, 80 candidates have registered to contend for his position. The Guardian Council is set to announce the approved candidates after a week, with the election scheduled for June 28.

Multiple reformist candidates have already been denied applications to register as the process continues to channel the wishes of the Supreme Leader over the wishes of the people. Like previous presidential elections, turnout is expected to be as low as single figures.

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