MP Refutes Claim Israeli Strike Equaled Attack On Iranian Territory

Lawmaker Mohsen Pirhadi
Lawmaker Mohsen Pirhadi

Iranian Member of Parliament Mohsen Pirhadi rejected the notion that Israel's recent attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus constituted an assault on Iranian territory.

In an interview with Rouydad 24, Pirhadi emphasized that interpreting the attack in such a manner is not accurate, stating, "The Zionist regime's action is a heinous act and a violation of international law principles, but it should not be equated with an attack on our Iranian soil."

The airstrike on Monday targeted the Iranian embassy building in Damascus. The airstrike resulted in the deaths of seven Revolutionary Guards, including two senior commanders.

"Given the importance of the issue, the MPs will definitely delve into the details of the terrorist act and the plans of relevant agencies for how to respond to the crime and defend the country's security in the first session of the parliament after the end of the Norouz holidays," stated Pirhadi.

Despite tensions and conflicts in the region, Iran has refrained from direct engagement with Israel, particularly amid the six-month conflict involving Iran-backed groups in Gaza.

Pirhadi’s comments come as IRGC General Esmail Kowsari, a member of the Iranian parliament, asserted on Wednesday that Israel's attack on Iran's consulate in Damascus constitutes an encroachment upon Iranian territory, demanding a robust response from Iran. He dismissed the concept of "strategic patience" in the face of such incidents, affirming that Iran will promptly retaliate against Israel.

Kowsari further stressed that the United States should anticipate Iran's retaliatory measures, cautioning Israel against further attacks on Iran's interests.