Some of the materials seized and unpacked by USCENTCOM

US Thwarts Iranian Arms Shipment To Houthis

Tuesday, 01/16/2024

US Navy forces intercepted a small vessel transporting advanced lethal aid from Iran to replenish Houthi forces in Yemen.

“US Navy SEALs operating from USS LEWIS B PULLER (ESB 3), supported by helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), executed a complex boarding of the dhow near the coast of Somalia in international waters of the Arabian Sea, seizing Iranian-made ballistic missile and cruise missiles components. Seized items include propulsion, guidance, and warheads for Houthi medium range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) and anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs), as well as air defense associated components,” said CENTCOM in a statement on Tuesday.

This marks the first interception of lethal Iranian-supplied advanced conventional weapons destined for the Houthis since their attacks on merchant ships began in November 2023.

Additionally, it's the first interception of advanced Iranian-manufactured ballistic missile and cruise missile components by the US Navy since November 2019. Providing, selling, or transferring weapons to the Houthis violates UN Security Resolution 2216 and international law.

Considering the small vessel unsafe, US Navy forces sunk it. The fate of the 14 dhow crew members will be determined in accordance with international law.

Since mid-November, the Houthis have directed their attacks toward commercial vessels, a response to Israel's offensive in Gaza. This has resulted in the closure of a significant maritime route, causing disruption to the global flow of goods. The initiation of the attacks coincided with a call from Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, urging the blockade of Israel.

"It is evident that Iran continues to ship advanced lethal aid to the Houthis, actively promoting instability in the region, in direct violation of UN Security Resolution 2216 and international law," remarked General Michael Erik Kurilla.

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