Exiled Prince Calls For Accountability In Ukrainian Airliner Downing

Iranian exiled prince Reza Pahlavi
Iranian exiled prince Reza Pahlavi

Iranian exiled prince Reza Pahlavi says the perpetrators behind the downing of the Ukrainian flight in 2020 killing 176 passengers, will not escape justice.

The Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752 was downed by two air-defense missiles fired by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) shortly after departing from Tehran's Imam Khomeini International Airport.

In a message released on various social media platforms on Monday, coinciding with the fourth anniversary of the downing of the Ukrainian passenger plane by Revolutionary Guard missiles over Tehran, Prince Reza Pahlavi underscored that the survivors of the victims continue to seek justice.

In the message, he stated: "Four years ago, the Revolutionary Guard committed a heinous act, killing 176 passengers of the Ukrainian plane. After four years, the families of the victims are still seeking justice."

Pahlavi said, "The perpetrators and planners of that terrorist act along with their leader, Ali Khamenei, should know that they cannot escape justice. One day, not long from now, the Iranian nation will try them and hold them to account in a free and fair trial."

Pahlavi's message was released simultaneously with the commemoration ceremony of the fourth anniversary of the incident held in Shahedshahr, Tehran, the site of the plane's downing. Government forces prevented citizens from attending and joining the families of the victims during the ceremony.