Iran Arrests Suspects Over Kerman Twin Blasts

People carry the coffin of one of the casualties of the attack in Kerman, after Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, January 5, 2024.
People carry the coffin of one of the casualties of the attack in Kerman, after Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, January 5, 2024.

Iran’s Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi said Friday that a number of suspects have been arrested over the Kerman attacks claimed by Islamic State.

According to Vahidi, the country's intelligence bodies have found "very good leads" regarding individuals involved in the Kerman explosions. He added, "Some of those who played a role in this incident have been arrested."

Vahidi stated that comprehensive information on this matter will soon be communicated by the intelligence apparatus.

His remarks came in the aftermath of the twin bombings in Kerman, where a commemorative event for Qasem Soleimani, the late commander of the IRGC's Quds Force, was targeted. Nearly 90 people were killed in the incident and 284 were injured.

Majid Mohammadi, Vahidi’s deputy in security affairs, claimed later in the day that the suspects were arrested in five different cities.

The funeral for about half of the casualties was held on Friday.Crowds chanted "revenge, revenge" in state TV footage of the funerals in the city of Kerman, the scene of Wednesday's explosions, the bloodiest such attacks in Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The security lapses leading to the deadly attack have sparked public criticism and concerns about the Islamic Republic's ability to ensure the safety of its citizens during such events.

Despite the claim of responsibility by the Islamic State (ISIS), the Islamic Republic authorities, such as President Ebrahim Raisi and IRGC Commander-in-Chief Hossein Salami, blame Israel and the United States for the attack.