IRGC Aerospace Commander Asserts Strength Amid Dialogue With US

Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the Aerospace Force of the IRGC
Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the Aerospace Force of the IRGC

The commander of the Aerospace Force of the IRGC has declared that the US is engaging in diplomatic talks with Iran using a "language of request and plea" amid attacks on US bases.

Amir-Ali Hajizadeh claimed on Monday that “Iran is currently at the pinnacle of its power and cannot be threatened".

Since Iran-backed Hamas declared war on Israel on October 7 and the US supported Israel's right to defend itself, at least 40 proxy attacks have taken place against US bases in Iraq and Syria. On Sunday, the US ordered two retaliatory attacks. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the strikes targeted Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and affiliated militia groups.

Hajizadeh also acknowledged the expanding conflict in the region, with Lebanon becoming embroiled. Hajizadeh speculated on the possibility of further escalation, stating, "The future is uncertain, but Iran is prepared for all circumstances."

The recent stance from Hajizadeh sharply contrasts with his remarks from the previous week, where he had suggested a degree of apprehension. He revealed that Iran chose not to retaliate against the US for the killing of Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani in 2020, deeming it illogical. 

A video released by Etemadonline showed Hajizadeh explaining that a war at that time could have resulted in significant casualties for Iran, both civilian and military, and set the nation back by two decades.

The decision to avoid full-scale confrontation with the US was based on the assessment that such a conflict would not yield the desired results, according to Hajizadeh.

Iranian officials continue to issue threats against the Jewish state. Iran's long standing support for groups like Hamas, coupled with its decades-long call for the destruction of Israel, adds to the complexity of the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East.