US Lawmaker Accuses Iran of Funding Global Anti-Semitism

US Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA)
US Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA)

Darrell Issa, a Republican member of the House of Representatives, said that Iran is behind the rising antisemitic incidents in the United States and on the global stage.

Speaking during a House Judiciary Committee hearing held to receive the testimonies of Jewish college students about their experiences of abuse, Issa stated that Tehran funds antisemitic acts in American colleges as it funded the 10,000 rockets that the terrorists used to target Israel.

“We need to fully fund investigations into the funding that goes to antisemitism,” he stressed.

Issa called Iran “virtually the sole funder of attempts to destabilize Israel” and added that Iran is not only antisemitic but wants to destroy the state of Israel.

The hearing was interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters who called for immediate ceasefire in the region and accused Israel of apartheid and genocide in its treatment of Palestinians.

In reference to the pro-Palestinian protesters who disrupted the meeting, Issa warned that they are inadvertently “playing into the hands of Iran.”

In a post on X after the hearing, the Republican house representative also stressed that the ways Iran provokes hatred towards Jewish Americans must be identified and stopped.

Since Hamas’ deadly onslaught on Israel on October 7, multiple countries in the world have witnessed an alarming rate of antisemitic incidents.

On October 29, a group of angry protesters attacked Makhachkala airport in Russia’s mostly Muslim region of Dagestan in an attempt to find the Jewish passengers of a flight that had recently landed from Israel. The attempt failed upon the intervention of security forces.

Antisemitic attacks have also been reported in many European countries including France and Germany, which have beefed up security measures to protect their Jewish communities.