Unemployment Rate Among Iranian Women Double That Of Men

Iran's leading economic daily, Donyaye Eqtesad, has revealed a huge gender gap in the Iranian labor market with unemployment among women double that of men.

The report not only points out the glaring gender disparity but also highlights the absence of a clear policy to harness the economic potential of women in Iran.

Despite women's significant contributions to the nation's economy, the report suggests that their abilities are not fully utilized. It emphasizes that reducing women's unemployment rates and increasing their workforce participation could have a positive impact on reducing poverty at the household level.

According to the latest findings from the Iran Statistical Center regarding labor market developments this year, women's participation rate has reached 14.6%. However, it is concerning that out of over 32 million women of working age, more than 27.5 million remain inactive and are not part of the workforce, limiting their economic opportunities.

The report also reveals that women's labor force participation in Iran lags behind that of some neighboring countries, such as Saudi Arabia, where it has doubled from 15% in 1990 to 30% in 2020 over a 30-year period.

The findings are consistent with the United Nations Human Development Report for 2020 and 2021, which showed Iran ranked at 115 out of 191 countries in terms of gender inequality.