Iraqi Group Claims Drone Attack On US Base In Syria

An undated photo of the US base near Hasaka, Syria
An undated photo of the US base near Hasaka, Syria

An Iran-affiliated group in Iraq claimed Sunday that it targeted a US military base in Syria with drones, Tasnim news website affiliated with the IRGC reported.

There is no independent conformation of the claim, which comes days after the United States launched an air strike against two targets in Syria belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) in retaliation for earlier attacks on US bases.

Since the October 7 terror attack on Israel, Iranian proxy forces in Syria and Iraq resumed rocket and drone attacks against US bases in both countries. After more than 15 such attacks, Washington retaliates in the early hours of Friday, in what was seen as a limited retaliation.

Hours after the US airstrike, Tasnim quoted the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a pro-Iran militant group, as claiming that two attacks were launched at US bases, but the US military did not report any incident.

In the latest claim, the Iraqi group said it had launched two drones against a US base in in northeast Syria near al-Hasaka. The report did not provide any other detail.

Tensions have sharply risen as the Israel-Hamas war continues into its fourth week, and Iran threatens that its proxy forces will expand the conflict if Israeli attacks on Gaza continue. The United States has dispatched powerful naval strike groups to the region and has warned others not to get involved in the conflict.

Despite bellicose statements, Iran seems to be cautious, as its main proxy force, the Lebanese Hezbollah has so far not opened a second front against Israel.