Iran Continues Threats To Enter Hamas-Israel Conflict

Lawmaker Fadahossein Maleki
Lawmaker Fadahossein Maleki

Iranian officials continue to signal the possibility of an expanded front against Israel, despite repeated denials of the regime's green light to the Hamas attack on Israel.

Fadahossein Maleki, a member of the National Security Committee in the Iranian Parliament, said, "If Israel continues its ruthless operations, we will form a new front, extending far beyond the 1973 front [Yom Kippur War], which led to Israel's defeat. In the new front, Iran will play a significant role."

As thousands of Israelis and Palestinians continue to lose their lives in the conflict initiated by Hamas which bombarded Israel with thousands of missiles and an infiltration of its terror troops on October 7, he said the wave of support seen around the world is because "Palestine and its people hold a special place among the Muslim world."

Iran's proxy Hezbollah has already been actively attempting to infiltrate Israel's northern border in addition to sending UAVs and anti-tank missiles since the war began. Last week, Iran's Yemen proxy, the Houthis, also sent cruise missiles and drones launched toward Israel, intercepted by the US Navy.

Supporting the events of October 7 when Hamas declared war on Israel, Maleki justified the terror group's attack which saw hundreds of civilians slaughtered, including pregnant women, children and the elderly. A further 212 or more are being held hostage by the terror group in Gaza.

He said, "The actions taken by Hamas are, in fact, a response to the excessive Israeli aggression, where they showed no mercy towards the people. Such actions have led to a wave of hatred against Israel in the Islamic world, especially among the Muslim community."

Maleki is one of a stream of regime officials pushing for escalation, including Iran's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, who has been issuing almost daily threats of aggression claiming that its proxies will be activated if Israel does not offer a ceasefire.