Advocacy Group Urges Military Retaliation Against Iranian Regime

Former US Senator Joe Lieberman
Former US Senator Joe Lieberman

The United States and its allies should launch strikes against Iranian targets following the large terror attack on Israel, a US-based advocacy group has said.

In a statement issued on Monday by United Against a Nuclear Iran (UANI) Chairman former Senator Joseph I. Lieberman and CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace said, “Without Iran’s support, there would be no Hamas… Without Iran’s support, Hamas could not have attacked Israel the way it has,” and added that the Iranian regime has been behind numerous mischiefs around the world. The statement recounted Iran’s military support for Russia in its invasion of Ukraine and threats against Americans on US soil.

UANI has been advocating a tougher stance against the Iranian regime and particularly urging pressure to stop its nuclear program.

Although there has been an outcry in the United States against Tehran’s actions since the Hamas attack on Saturday, UANI is the first organization demanding military retaliation directly against the Islamic Republic.

“We call on our government in Washington, together with Israel, and our allies around the world to launch strikes against military and intelligence targets in Iran, including Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) sites, and missile and drone bases, where Iran’s proxy and partner network is trained,” UANI’s statement said.

Drawing a parallel with the 9/11 attacks against the US, the statement said, “our allies and friends around the world joined us in overthrowing Al Qaeda’s Taliban sponsors in Afghanistan and rooting out its terrorists around the world. The savage Iranian-sponsored attack on Israel should now bring the civilized world together, in the same way against Iran.