Dress Code Restrictions Introduced For Iranian Students

A banner explaining dress code restrictions for students
A banner explaining dress code restrictions for students

Student activists have revealed a set of new dress code restrictions imposed by the regime across several universities in Iran.

In institutions such as Amirkabir and Tehran Universities, female students are no longer allowed to wear patterned clothing, high-heeled shoes, or artificial nails, or expose tattoos.

Additionally, male students are subject to regulations prohibiting long hair, beards, or mustaches, as well as the wearing of jewelry and piercings.

Recent reports received by Iran International indicate that security forces, Basij militia members, and plainclothes personnel are actively involved in monitoring the entry and exit of students.

The hacktivist group Uprising till Overthrow, which is affiliated to the Albania-based opposition Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) organization, announced on Saturday that they infiltrated 500 servers, computers, and websites affiliated with the Ministry of Science, gaining access to a cache of over 20,000 documents.

One of these documents disclosed plans for the installation of 740 active cameras in the Science and Industry University in Tehran, along with the implementation of an initial phase of facial recognition software.

Both students and professors who oppose such measures have consistently emphasized that the university should not be treated as a military institution. They assert that the disciplinary actions, expulsions, and suspensions carried out by the Islamic Republic cannot stifle their voices.

In a joint statement issued on Saturday, the student unions from 12 universities across the country declared that, one year after the people's uprising, the student movement has entered a new phase of activism that will undermine the suppressive efforts of the government.