Iran's Ex-President Ahmadinejad's Allies Reveal Assassination Plots

Iran's former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Undated
Iran's former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Undated

A political figure with close ties to Iran's former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he was the target of several assassination plots during the past two months.

Ahmad Alirezabeigi, a lawmaker from Tabriz, disclosed to the Didban Iran [Iran Monitor] website in Tehran that members of Ahmadinejad's office have consistently remained vigilant regarding potential attacks on the former President. However, the frequency of such threats has notably increased over the past two months.

On 27 August, Dolat-e Bahar, a Telegram channel close to Ahmadinejad reported that "Based on information from reliable sources, Mr. Ahmadinejad's office dispatched a letter to high-ranking military, police, and security commanders and officials, cautioning them about highly concerning developments and activities targeting him."

The report also stated that "Ahmadinejad has requested enhanced security measures for his protection and urged authorities to confront those responsible." Additionally, it highlights that "recent practical activities strongly suggest the existence of an organized plot to assassinate Dr. Ahmadinejad."

Ahmadinejad visiting Qazvin in May 2021
Ahmadinejad visiting Qazvin in May 2021

While Iranian media typically extensively cover any developments related to Ahmadinejad, it is noteworthy that they have seemingly overlooked this particular story. However, it remains uncertain whether the choice to disregard news regarding the attempted assassination of Ahmadinejad stemmed from higher levels within the Iranian political hierarchy.

Alirezabeigi told Didban Iran that the former President's office has presented evidence about the attempt on his life to the authorities.

It's likely that Ahmadinejad's office decided to publicize information about the alleged plots when they perceived a reluctance on the part of authorities to pursue the case further.

Alirezabeigi told Didban Iran that concerns about Ahmadinejad's safety have always been a priority for his office and its staff members, but recently they saw evidence that they thought should be communicated to the authorities.

Ahmad Alirezabeigi is a politician with close ties to Ahmadinejad
Ahmad Alirezabeigi is a politician with close ties to Ahmadinejad

Ahmadinejad has been consistently outspoken in his criticism of the Iranian government, particularly since the end of his presidential term. This criticism intensified notably from 2017 onward, coinciding with the onset of popular anti-government protests. While he frequently targeted the presidential administration and the Judiciary, especially when led by one of his arch-enemies, Sadeq Amoli Larijani, accusing them of corruption and inefficiency, he generally refrained from direct attacks on Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Nonetheless, since 2019, Ahmadinejad also targeted Khamenei and his financial conglomerate. Since 2021, when likeminded Ebrahim Raisi took office as Iran's President, Ahmadinejad has been silent. His silence was so significant that Iranian media often wondered where he was during this period.

In one of the most recent reports of this kind, Khabar Online website said that Ahmadinejad has been recently holding meetings with his former aides Esfandiar Rahim Mashai and Hamid Baqaei.

Abbas Amirirfar, another aide of the former President said that Ahmadinejad and his aides have concluded that both the leading political factions -reformists and conservatives - have failed to solve Iran's problems and the nation expects Ahmadinejad to do something, Khabar Online said in its report.

There is a prevailing belief that the former president retains political support from numerous disadvantaged Iranians who appreciate his populist approach. They particularly value his track record of providing cash handouts and subsidies during his presidency.

As of now, the Iranian judiciary, police, and security agencies have not issued any response to this news. Nevertheless, Alirezabeigi suggests that officials should delve into specific details to gain further insights into the alleged plot. However, he did not provide any elaboration on the nature of these details.