Amnesty Raises Concerns About Resurgence Of Iran’s Hijab Police

An Iranian woman defying mandatory hijab rules
An Iranian woman defying mandatory hijab rules

In a recent report, Amnesty International has expressed concern over Iranian authorities' intensifying oppression of women and girls who defy compulsory hijab.

The human rights organization is calling for international communities to stand by Iranian women who choose not to wear headscarves in public and has published detailed analysis of police patrols enforcing the veiling and threatening legal action against those who defy it. They have said it signals a resurgence of Iran’s morality police. Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, commented, “Morality policing in Iran is back. The authorities are not fooling anyone by removing the insignia of the ‘morality’ police from uniforms and patrol vans… while emboldening the enforcers of the Islamic Republic’s oppression.”

The report coincided with videos circulating on social media showing women being violently assaulted in Tehran and Rasht and security forces using teargas against people trying to help women escape arrests.

Callamard added, “Today’s crackdown is intensified by mass surveillance technologies capable of identifying unveiled women in their cars and pedestrian spaces.”

According to official announcements from Iran's Police Force spokesman, since April 15, 2023, more than a million women have received text messages warning that their vehicles could be confiscated after being caught on camera without their headscarves. Additionally, numerous women have been suspended or expelled from universities, denied access to banking services and public transport, and hundreds of businesses have been forcibly closed for not enforcing compulsory veiling.

Amnesty International has repeatedly called for the abolition of compulsory hijab, the quashing of all convictions and sentences related to defying veiling laws, and the unconditional release of all detainees. Furthermore, the organization urges the international community to take strong action, including legal pathways, to hold Iranian officials accountable for the human rights violations perpetrated against women and girls.