IRGC-Linked Website Highlights Iran’s New Ballistic Missile

Iran’s new ballistic missile Khorramshahr IV aka Kheibar
Iran’s new ballistic missile Khorramshahr IV aka Kheibar

Fars news agency affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard Sunday described Iran’s new ballistic missile, Khorramshahr, as super-capable, and a response to Israeli threats.

Saying that the missile can carry a one-ton warhead, which can evade radar and is immune to air defenses, Fars added that Iran introduced the weapon amid Israeli threats of an attack.

Quoting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials who have said Israel will do everything in its power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, Fars insisted that “it is the Zionists who constantly seek tensions.”

While the Islamic Republic is dangerously getting closer to the nuclear threshold, the United States has also repeatedly announced that “all options are on the table”. President Joe Biden has vowed not to allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons.

Fars claimed that top Iranian officials have repeatedly announced that their goal is “peace and instability in the region.” However, Iran’s Islamic regime has constantly threatened Israel with attacks and destruction. 

This year, Iranian officials openly called for more attacks by their proxy forces around Israel and to expand their operations, boasting of dozens of daily attacks.

Earlier this month, Iran International reported that the Iranian regime had urged the Palestinian Hamas militant group to join forces with the Islamic Jihad for a new round of attacks against Israel.

Gen. Mohammad-Reza Naghdi, deputy to IRGC's chief commander in April claimed that last year 10,000 attacks took place against Israel taking credit for standing behind what the regime calls “the resistance front.” Naghdi said, “This is the revenge of the Islamic Revolution; the destruction of the Zionist regime.”