Israeli Intelligence Minister Meets Iranian Prince In Washington

Iran's exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi
Iran's exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi

A month after the official visit of Iran's exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi to Israel, the country’s intelligence minister met him once again in Washington.

Gila Gamliel, who hosted Reza Pahlavi and his wife during their five-day trip to Israel, tweeted on Wednesday that she had a "successful meeting" with the Iranian exiled prince, and two human rights activists as well as the president of the Israel Allies Foundation.

"The bloodthirsty policy of the Ayatollahs' regime, which hurts the people of Iran and the world, should mobilize the international community," she added.

She called Pahlavi's visit to her country "historic" and "the beginning of a new path towards the resumption of friendship between the nations of Israel and Iran," emphasizing that she will continue to meet and negotiate with the Iranian opposition leader in the future.

Activists Benjamin F. Chavis and Tish K. Basil, as well as President of the Israel Allies Foundation Josh Reinstein also attended the meeting between Pahlavi and Gamliel.

“Great to meet with a champion of freedom and the greatest hope for peace between Israel and Iran Reza Pahlavi,” wrote Reinstein in a tweet.

The Israel Allies Foundation was established 16 years ago in the United States and its headquarter is in Jerusalem.

Based on Christian beliefs and Judeo-Christian values it tries to support the existence and strengthening of Israel and to educate and empower legislators in countries around the world.

This foundation organizes tours to familiarize foreign politicians with the state of Israel. Israeli leftist groups criticize some of the actions of the foundation.

It seems that the Israeli government under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu, has assigned Gamliel to continue contacts with Reza Pahlavi.