Exiled Iranian Prince Says Sanctions On IRGC Individuals ‘Insufficient’

Iran’s exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi
Iran’s exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi

Iran’s exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi says the imposition of new sanctions targeting individuals and entities affiliated with the IRGC is insufficient.

On Tuesday, Pahlavi once again called upon Canada, the UK and the EU to proscribe the whole of IRGC as a terrorist organization. While the IRGC is proscribed in the United States, other nations such as the UK have been reluctant to list it, while hopes remain of reviving the nuclear talks which collapsed last year.

“My message to the rank and file of the IRGC and to the nation’s military and security forces is to part ways with this criminal regime and join the Iranian people in their revolution,” read his tweet.

On Monday, the US Treasury sanctioned four senior Iranian police officers and military officials involved in crushing protests after Mahsa Amini died in morality police custody.

Department officials announced they were taking action against the new secretary of Iran's Supreme Council of Cyberspace (SCC), the organization responsible for Internet policy and blockade of popular websites.

The British government also imposed further sanctions against Islamic Republic officials, including IRGC commanders, for their involvement in the regime's bloodshed both inside and outside the country.

“The Iranian regime is responsible for the brutal repression of the Iranian people and for exporting bloodshed around the world. That’s why we have more than 300 sanctions in place on Iran, including on the IRGC in its entirety,” Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said in a statement.