US Sets $15m Reward For Information On IRGC Financial Network

Sunday, 04/16/2023

The United States says it has set a reward of up to $15 million for receiving information on the illicit financial network of Iran's Revolutionary Guard (IRGC).

The "Reward for Justice" program affiliated with the US State Department tweeted Saturday that anyone who has information on the IRGC’s financial network can win the reward.

“The IRGC and its branch, the IRGC Qods-Force, conduct and support terrorist activities across the world,” reads the tweet.

It also added that the IRGC used numerous financial mechanisms to fund its activities, including front companies and other entities that help it bypass US and international sanctions.

The Biden administration has already issued dozens of sanction designations on companies and individuals affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard in several countries.

The program has called on people with any information on such activities to share it via WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal to win a reward.

The United States designated the IRGC as a global terrorist organization in 2019. It has carried out multiple cyber-attacks and threats to the lives of Iranians abroad, including staff at Iran International based in the UK.

The European Parliament overwhelmingly passed a resolution on January 19 calling on the EU and member states to designate the IRGC, however, several states including Germany fear designation will close the window of diplomacy regarding Iran's nuclear program may be closed.

Designating the IRGC as a terrorist group in Europe would mean that it would become a criminal offence to belong to the group, attend its meetings, and carry its logo in public.

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