Men in military uniforms setting fire to Israeli and US flags during Quds day rallies in Tehran on April 29, 2022

Pro-Palestinian Quds Day Demo Cancelled In Berlin For 3rd Year In A Row

Friday, 04/07/2023

The Berlin Police say the request for a permit for the "Quds Day" demonstration, which was supposed to be held on Saturday April 15, was withdrawn by organizers.

This is the third consecutive year that the annual pro-Palestinian event – supposed to be held on the last Friday of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan – has been cancelled in the city.

The event, which takes its name from the Arabic-language name for Jerusalem, is usually held to express support for Palestinians and oppose Israel and Zionism. In Germany there have been repeated discussions about banning rallies to mark the day as anti-Israel and anti-Semitic chants are regularly heard during the events.

Critics of Quds Day argue that it is inherently antisemitic,with President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Josef Schuster saying in 2021 that “The Al-Quds march is dominated by anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel.” Urging its annulment altogether, he said, “The participants unscrupulously exploited the freedom of expression and assembly to spread their hatred. This must finally come to an end.”

Directed against Israel’s existence, Al-Quds Day was proclaimed by the founder of the Islamic Republic Ruhollah Khomeini on 7 August 1979. He called on Muslims worldwide to unite in solidarity against Israel and in support of the Palestinians, saying the "liberation" of Jerusalem was a religious duty to all Muslims.”

In Iran, Quds Day also features demonstrations against other countries that the regime deems as enemies, including the United States, the UK and Saudi Arabia.

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