James Risch (R., Idaho)

US Senators Urge EU To Designate IRGC As Terror Organization

Thursday, 03/23/2023

A group of US Republican senators has urged the European Union to designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organization.

In a letter to EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell on Wednesday, 12 Republican senators led by James Risch (R., Idaho) said: "The IRGC clearly presents a threat to the EU and our collective security."

They further added that "it is long past time to cut off its resources before the next tragedy strikes", referring to attacks the organization has committed overseas, including the high profile attempted murder of author Salman Rushdie during a speaking engagement in the US.

The regime vehemently denies responsibility though said Rushdie had crossed a "red line" against Islam, tacitly approving of the incident which left him with life changing injuries.

According to a copy of the letter exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, Republicans say an EU "designation will cripple the IRGC's ability to promote terrorism and will make the world safer for Americans and Europeans alike".

The European Parliament overwhelmingly passed a resolution on January 19 calling on the EU and member states to designate the IRGC, however, several states including Germany fear designation will close the window of diplomacy regarding Iran's nuclear program may be closed.

The United States designated the IRGC as a global terrorist organization in 2019. It has carried out multiple cyber attacks and threats to the lives of Iranians abroad, including staff at Iran International based in the UK.

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