Iranians Abroad Show Anger At Brutal Killing Of Detained Protester

Iranian diaspora communities hold protests in support of their compatriots in Iran on December 10, 2022.
Iranian diaspora communities hold protests in support of their compatriots in Iran on December 10, 2022.

Iranians abroad have once again held protest rallies to declare opposition to the Islamic Republic and express support for their compatriots’ uprising.

On Saturday thousands of Iranian diasporas across the world chanted slogans against the clerical regime condemning the illegal treatment of detained protesters and the execution of the first protester Mohsen Shekari.

Coinciding with the International Human Rights Day, the protests were held in dozens of countries around the world including Hungary, Denmark, Japan, Australia, Itay, Turkey, Belgium, and Germany.

Following the execution of the 23-year-old protester Mohsen Shekari on Thursday, several public figures and organizations called on Iranians abroad to hold protest gatherings.

In Tokyo and Sydney, Iranians took to streets to show anger at the brutal hanging of Mohsen Shekari by the Islamic regime.

In the city of Rome, a group of Iranians chanted "Women, Life, Freedom" while holding a sit-in at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic in Italy. They called on Italian politicians to severe diplomatic ties with the Iranian government.
Similar events were held in Torino, Geneva, Istanbul, Brussels, Perth, Copenhagen, and Berlin.

Friday night, a group of Iranians living in New York also held a protest rally in front the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic to the United Nations.