Students Keep Boycotting Classes Amid Iran’s Mounting Crackdown

A sit-in in an Iranian university campus
A sit-in in an Iranian university campus

As the Islamic Republic continues expulsion and suspensions, students are boycotting classes and holding sit-ins in various universities across the country.

The Telegram channel of Student Councils Union announced that students at Bojnord University of Medical Sciences staged a sit-in Thursday to protest the illegal suspension of their peers and threats by the authorities.

A group of students at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Tehran University also staged a sit-in to show anger at the killing of Baluch citizens and the suppression of students.

Some others at the University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences in Tehran also announced in a statement that they will boycott all classes.

This week, students in various universities including Sharif, Amir Kabir, Tehran, Esfahan, and Azad University's branches of Central Tehran as well as Science and Research also called for protest sit-ins.

On Wednesday, the Telegram channel reported that 138 students at Gilan University in northern Iran have been suspended for one semester and some 34 others for two semesters.

In an appalling move, Tehran University of Arts announced on Sunday that all drama graduate students will be suspended and cannot take the final exams.

Many students have been arrested since the beginning of anti-regime protests in September following the death of Mahsa Amini at the hand of regime forces. Some are kidnapped by security forces, and often nobody knows their whereabout for days.