Iranians Embarked On Another Epic To Bright Future - Exiled Prince

Iran’s exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi
Iran’s exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi

Iran’s exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi addressed the Iranian people Thursday, lauding their efforts in the way to another ‘revolution’ and hoping for a bright future for the country.

In a video message, he said Iranians have embarked on “another epic” on the 40th day of their “revolution,” referring to the nationwide rallies that were held to commemorate the 40th day since the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini that ignited the current wave of protests. “You, my compatriots, on the 40th day of your revolution have begun another epic.”

He also honored Cyrus the Great -- the founder of the first Persian empire, the Achaemenids – saying that “As an Iranian I am proud that our nation, at the direction of Cyrus the Great, became the first cradle of human rights in the world. Yet our nation’s current rulers have the greatest animosity for human rights and freedom.”

“Let us, by honoring Cyrus the Great, take an oath with our nation and its bright future that Iran will once again be an exporter of the principles of human rights and an example for all the world,” Pahlavi said.

Scheduled nationwide protests in Iran on the 40th day of Mahsa Amini’s death started before noon Wednesday, October 26, with a large gathering at her grave in her hometown of Saqqez and lasted well into the night in many cities across Iran. The 40th day of a loved one’s death has a special significance in Iran, and in case of an unjust killing, the occasion turns into public mourning and fuels angry protests.