Rubio Calls On Biden Not To Make Deals With Iran, Venezuela

US Sen. Marco Rubio speaking at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing. March 10, 2022
US Sen. Marco Rubio speaking at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing. March 10, 2022

Florida’s Republican Senator Marco Rubio has urged President Joe Boden not to pursue deals with anti-American and authoritarian regimes in Venezuela and Iran.

In a letter on Friday, Rubio called on the president to support energy projects in democratic nations in the Western Hemisphere, such as in Guyana, a democratic nation in South America.

Rubio criticized the Biden Administration for choosing not to lend to a project in Guyana, saying it would have helped address rising energy prices in the United States by supporting an expansion of Guyana’s capacity to produce and export more oil.

“Instead of supporting common sense projects that would strengthen our relationship with our allies and help the energy crisis at home, your administration is working behind closed doors to lift sanctions on the fossil fuel industries controlled by the Maduro regime in Venezuela and the Ayatollahs in Iran”, he said.

“I urge you, before seeking to convince bloodthirsty dictators to enter into misguided deals, explore supporting projects in democratic countries that actually want to work closer with us. Doing so will require no moral compromise on our part, while still reaping benefits for the American people”, the letter concluded.

Republicans and some Democrats have been criticizing the Biden team for their drawn-out talks with Iran to restore the 2015 nuclear agreement, JCPOA, arguing that it is an expiring agreement for which the US has to lift sanctions imposed on an anti-American regime.