Baghdad, UN Mission, Sadr Decry Iran’s Missile Attack On Erbil

Iranian missiles on display. Undated
Iranian missiles on display. Undated

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi has condemned the ballistic missile attack claimed by Iran targeting the US Consulate's new building in Erbil.

In a tweet a few hours after the attack, al-Kadhimi said, “The aggression which targeted the dear city of Erbil and spread fear amongst its inhabitants is an attack on the security of our people”.

He added that he discussed these developments with Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, noting that “Our security forces will investigate and stand firm against any threats towards our people”.

Calling on people to keep calm, Barzani said, “Erbil will stand strong against the cowardly attacks”.

Influential Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr also denounced the attack, saying, "Erbil is in the crosshairs and fire of the coward and losers”.

Slamming the attack, leftist Iraqi-Kurdish political party the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) said such an attack “is a clear indicator of attempts to ruin stability in the Kurdistan Region.”

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) also strongly condemned the “heinous missile attack”, saying, “Perpetrators of this cowardly attack must be held to account”.

“Iraqis are called upon to stand together in the face of any act that violates Iraq’s sovereignty/territorial integrity, and/or aims to undermine stability/unity”, it said.

Several hours after a dozen ballistic missiles struck Erbil, Iran's Revolutionary Guards took responsibility for it, saying they targeted Israeli "strategic centers”.