Pence In Israel Says Republicans Will Again Dump JCPOA After 2024

Former US vice president Mike Pence
Former US vice president Mike Pence

Former US vice president Mike Pence says the next American administration will be Republican and will again pull out of the nuclear deal with Iran.

During a visit to Israel on Tuesday, Pence told the Israel Hayom newspaper “I believe that the Republican Party will win control of the House and Senate in 2022 and I believe we’ll win back America and the White House in 2024… we will have a Republican president, a Republican administration”.

“And if the JCPOA [Iran deal] finds a way to be resurrected, we will be a part and a voice of a chorus of Americans with that new administration coming into office to end the JCPOA just as quickly as we ended it under the Trump-Pence administration.”

He added that “We isolated Iran like never before, we challenged their malign activities…[and] it was our administration that took down Qassem Soleimani.”

Pence noted it was “incomprehensible” to him to see the Biden administration contemplating “buying oil from Iran while we’re cutting off oil and gas exploration in the United States.”

Pence also told Fox News from Jerusalem on Tuesday that “When our administration tore up the [Iran nuclear] deal, it’s because we recognized that not only did it not prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, it guaranteed that they would be able to obtain a nuclear weapon in 10 years."