Rice Prices In Iran Double In One Year Amid General Inflation

The price of Iranian rice, the main food staple in the country, has increased over 95 percent in one year, a government reporting agency has said.

According to the latest report released by Statistical Center of Iran (SCI)on Monday, the price for one kilogram of Iranian rice in the month of Bahman (ended on February 20) increased by about 20 percent compared with the previous month, and 95 percent compared with a year ago.

The report said the price reached 760,000 rials (about $3), showing a 95.3-percent rise compared to the same period last year.

The price reported by SCI is way lower than the actual price in the market, which is nearly 1,000,000 rials (about $4), which means the real increase in the price of rice is closer to 200 percent.

With only a few weeks left until the new Iranian year on March 20, prices of essential food items are still rising at alarming levels, local media report.

Food prices have been rising much faster than the general inflation rate -- hovering around 40 percent -- with government figures showing above 60-percent inflation at retail level in 2021, compared with 2020.

Sugar and different types of rice are usually items with highest price increases followed by different kinds of meat, chicken and eggs as well as cooking oil.