Israeli’s Bennett Backs Bahrain Against Iran's ‘Bloodthirsty Terrorists’

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett speaks with Bahrain's Foreign Minister Abdullatif Al-Zayani after arriving in Manama, Bahrain, February 14, 2022
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett speaks with Bahrain's Foreign Minister Abdullatif Al-Zayani after arriving in Manama, Bahrain, February 14, 2022

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett who is on a landmark trip to Bahrain has called efforts to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal a “strategic mistake.”

Bennett arrived in Manama Monday in the highest-level visit since the countries established diplomatic relations in late 2020 under the United States-brokered ‘Abraham Accords’, seen by Palestinians as a betrayal of their aspirations to statehood.

In an interview with Bahraini daily Al-Ayyam published Tuesday, Bennett said Israel and its “allies” faced "great security challenges that stem from the same source – the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

“We fight Iran and its proxies every day, and we will help our friends in strengthening peace, security and stability”, Bennett said before meeting King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and crown prince and prime minister, Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

“Iran seeks to destroy moderate states that care for the welfare of their people... replacing them with bloodthirsty terrorist groups,” Bennett said.

Earlier this month Israel and Bahrain signed a security agreement, Israel's first with a Gulf nation, and Israeli contractors advise Bahraini security forces. The regime put down protests in 2011 with Saudi help.

The Bahraini opposition Wifaq party last month reiterated condemnation of Saudi “aggression” in the Yemen war, where Iran has backed opposing Ansar Allah forces.

“Over recent years, we have strengthened our military cooperation with countries in the region, whether Arab or non-Arab,” Bennett said.