Vienna Talks Aimed At Punishing US, Iran Lawmaker Says

In this December 29 photo, US envoy Rob Malley discussing nuclear negotiations with Russian envoy Mikhail Ulyanov.
In this December 29 photo, US envoy Rob Malley discussing nuclear negotiations with Russian envoy Mikhail Ulyanov.

Two days after the US waiver of sanctions on some of Iran's nuclear activities, officials in Iran resumed defiant remarks on talks with the United States.

Vahid Jalalzadeh, the chairman of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Relations Committee said on Sunday, that the offer of an interim agreement is no longer on the tablein Vienna. Meanwhile, in an odd comment, he added that the Vienna talks are aimed at "punishing the United States," adding, "We are keeping them behind the door."

The Biden Administration agreed early last year to hold indirect talks with Iran in Vienna on restoring the 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA), while the other original signatories of the agreement hold official negotiating sessions without the US.

Jalalzadeh boasted that the US delegation's presence at the negotiating table depends on Iran's permission. He also denied that a new agreement is being forged in Vienna. "Iran is committed to fulfil its obligations under the 2015 agreement and the other side also needs to do so. That is what we are discussing in Vienna," the senior lawmaker said.

Although he emphasized Iran's commitment to its obligations, the lawmaker admitted that Tehran has boosted its nuclear capabilities.

Eralier, the spokesperson for the foreign ministry, Saeed Khataibzadeh, had said that the sanction waivers offered by the United States were "insufficient," and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian reiterated that the US move was "good," but Tehran wishes to see "tangible results,” meaning lifting of sanctions.

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei who has the final say about all matters in Iran said last year that Iran wants the verifiable removal of all sanctions, including those imposed by former US President Donald Trump after he withdrew from the JCPOA in 2018.

Another lawmaker Malek Shariati said on Sunday if the US lifts the sanctions, the verification will take between 3 to 6 months, but Iran is in no hurry to reach an agreement. He stressed that "all" US sanctions need to be lifted.

Washington has indicated that it will lift all nuclear-related sanctions imposed by Trump but not sanctions imposed for reasons related to Tehran’s “behavior.”

Iranian officials, including parliament member Jalazadeh insist that all sanctions since 2018 are in reality nuclear related and must be removed.

In another development on Sunday, Security Chief Ali Shamkhani said, "We are still far away from a balance in the two sides' commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal." He wrote in a tweet: "Political decisions in Washington are required to strike a balance that would lead to a good agreement."

Shamkhani had said in an earlier tweet: "Real, effective and verifiable benefit for Iran is the condition for an agreement to take shape in Vienna. A show of lifting the sanctions will not be regarded a constructive measure."

In the meantime, concern expressed on Saturday by the UN nuclear watchdog, the IAEA,about traces of "undeclared nuclear material" found in some of Iran's nuclear sites have made Iran's dossier more complicated. However, some Iranian sources quoted IAEA Chief Rafael Grossi as having told reporters that "reaching an agreement in Vienna is not impossible.”

Majid Mottaghifar, the spokesman of the ultraconservative Paydari Party which has always opposed the nuclear deal, said on Sunday that his group now supports the negotiations. He said: "It is now in the interest of the regime to further the nuclear negotiations. Some 30 seasoned Iranian diplomats are in the negotiating team who can conduct the talks in a calculated approach."