Iran Says Success Of Nuclear Talks Depends On Removing US Sanctions

Ali Bagheri Kani, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator. FILE PHOTO
Ali Bagheri Kani, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator. FILE PHOTO

Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri-Kani says he has told foreign ambassadors that the success of nuclear talks will depend on lifting of US sanctions.

In a tweet Bagheri-Kani said he had meetings with ambassadors of other countries in Tehran, including envoys of Persian Gulf, Mediterranean and East European countries on Wednesday.

He told ambassadors that the success of the upcoming multilateral talks to resume in Vienna on November 29 “depends on other side’s firm determination and practical readiness to remove sanctions.”

Iran has toughened its position in recent weeks demanding that the negotiations focus on the US lifting of sanctions and has gone as far as saying there would be no new talks over nuclear issues and other issues.

Iran’s official government newspaper on Sunday put forth five demands for agreement during the talks, including reparations for imposing sanctions by the United States and a guarantee that Washington would never withdraw from a future agreement.